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Providing all the components for a killer online marketing campaign

To integrate your Internet technology into your current and future business operations and marketing strategies you need to define a unique strategic vision that will save money, generate revenue, and increase efficiency.  Developing cohesive web site marketing strategies that integrate into the operations of your business is a critical step.

If your business jumped into the Internet with only the idea of developing a web site, there is a good chance you are disappointed with the business performance of your website in bringing you business.  Many good looking web sites actually produce little or no results, while many simple looking web sites produce great results.

Of course, you can have a web site that looks great and generates a lot of business results!  To be successful with your Internet business, you need a new and different approach.  A successful solution will include a fusion of different disciplines with a strong marketing strategy.

Internet Business Analysis

The Internet Business Analysis (IBA) is an assessment tool that enables us to have a thorough understanding of your business operations and objectives.  It is also successful in identifying key challenges or obstacles that you may experience in the achievement of your goals and objectives. Outcomes of the IBA include:

  • An Internet business strategy
  • Performance objectives
  • Competitive analysis
  • Functional requirements
  • Return on investment estimates.

Web site marketing strategies

You may already have a great looking web site, like many of our clients.  Some of them even have their own IT staff with web development capabilities.  What they don't have is the in-house expertise needed to specifically market their company effectively on the Internet to help drive positive business results.

We work with our clients to develop a web site marketing strategy to improve business results.  We work as partners with both the business management and technology people to ensure the business success of the client's Internet investments.  In addition, our service includes performance tracking to monitor return on investment and ongoing management of the web site marketing strategies implemented.

Search engine marketing strategy

Do you want to know if your target market is even using search engines to find the products and services you offer?

We can tell you how many searches were done for your products and services over the last 60 days, the last 24 hours, and how many competitive web sites you are up against.

If we determine that search engine optimization is a viable web site marketing strategy for you, we will tell you where your best opportunities will be to improve business results.  If you are already listed in the major search engines, we can tell you your current ranking in each search engine and what it will take to get top listings.

Contact us to arrange an Internet Marketing Consultation >>>